
Showing posts from 2018

Bachelor of Science Honour (Statistics) UiTM CS241 Course Outline / Plan of Study / Pelan Pengajian

Kalau dah dpt tawaran ke universiti tuh, pasti korang akan cari dia punya course ouline. list yg akan belajar, ye dok? Kat sini saya akan sertakan course "subjek" yang akan korang ambil sepanjang bergelar statistic undergraduates di UiTM. Plan of Study CS241 Pelan Pengajian Program CS241 Semester 1 STA400 Probability and Statistics I,  STA420 Fundamentals of Research,  MAT441 Calculus II,  CSC415 Fundamentals of Computer Problem Solving, CTU551 Islamic and Asian Civilization,  Co- Curriculum I Semester 2 STA450  Fundamentals of Regression Analysis,  STA470  Statistical Methods,  MAT422  Mathematical Logic and Proving Techniques,  MAT423 Linear Algebra I, QMT437 Operational Research,  ITS432 Database Design and Application,  Co-Curriculum II Semester 3 ELC590 English for Oral Presentation,  CTU555 Malaysian History,  STA500 Nonparametric Statistics,  MAT491 Calculus III,  MAT523 Linear Algebra II,  ITS472 Database Management System,  TAC4